Pricing Plans

Choose the perfect plan to explore and capture the Swiss Alps with our expert-guided photo tours.

Our Plans

Basic Plan

CHF 299

Perfect for beginners looking for a single-day guided photo tour.

  • 1-day guided tour
  • Photography tips and tricks
  • Access to scenic locations
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Ultimate Plan

CHF 999

For professionals looking for an all-inclusive photography adventure.

  • 5-day guided tour
  • One-on-one photography coaching
  • Access to premium locations
  • All meals, accommodation, and transport
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in each tour?

Each plan includes expert guides, access to scenic locations, and personalized photography assistance. Additional inclusions vary by plan.

Do I need to bring my own camera equipment?

Yes, we recommend bringing your own camera and gear. However, we can provide rental equipment upon request.

Can I customize my tour experience?

Absolutely! We offer custom packages for groups or individuals with specific photography goals.